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  1. Those who want to participate must apply with the "Young Researcher Award Application Form".

  2. Award will only be granted to outstanding young researcher who is the author or co-author of a paper presented in the congress. Only one application/nomination shall be accepted for each paper. Any researcher (graduate student or engineer) who has not reached his/her 35th birthday by September 1st, 2024 would be eligible.

  3. The application deadline is August 16, 2024.

  4. Applications will be evaluated by the Symposium Executive Boards.

  5. Selected candidates will be announced before the Congress. Candidates will send their posters, which they will prepare in "English" according to the poster preparation guide, to the Congress Coordinator by e-mail to in PDF format by September 9, 2024. Submitted posters will be printed by the Coordination Office.

  6. The candidates' posters will be exhibited in a special section in the poster area during the Congress.

  7. Voting will start at 13:00 on the first day of the Congress, September 19, 2024, and will end at 13:00 on the third day of the Congress, on September 21, 2024.

  8. Voting; It will be held in a ballot box where Congress Delegates and Congress Organizing Committee - International Science Board - Symposium Executive Boards will vote separately.

  9. The evaluation will be made by normalizing the vote distribution in each ballot box to 100 and taking the average of the results in the ballot box. The first three candidates with the highest votes will be given an equivalent award plaque.

  10. The results will be announced and award plaques will be given at the Congress Closing Session on September 21, 2024.

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