19-21 September 2024
International Metallurgy and Materials Congress
Istanbul Fair Center
Kongre Programı-R8
Deadline for Delegate Registration
September 10, 2024
Organization Board
Dear Colleagues and Participants,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my great pleasure to invite and welcome you to Istanbul, to the 22nd International Metallurgy and Materials Congress (IMMC2024). This congress serves to connect our minds to unleash and feel the power of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering to exploring AI versus Humanity.
The congress is organized and held by UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers’ Training Center (METEM) (19-21 September 2024, Istanbul Expo Center). The congress will cover 16 symposiums and a Young Reseracher Award. Along with the congress there is going to be a trade fair, ANKIROS / TURKCAST 2024. This fair is the largest metallurgy meet-up in Eurasia, supported by leading national and international organizations and associations in the metallurgy sectors.
Through the participation of scientists, researchers, experts, governance, policy makers, and students, these events contribute to the advancement of metallurgical and materials engineering to tackle global challenges.
Our theme this year is “Humanity vs. Artificial Intelligence (AI)”. With collective minds, we are hoping to explore this great challenge which we created and again challenge our minds to understand and find paradigms to how to design and utilize AI in metallurgical and materials engineering for the benefit of humanity.
I hope that with this congress once again we could understand our mission as human and engineer and we could design and built a better world for all.
I wish you a joyful and rewarding experience in Istanbul,
Best Regards,
The first and the biggest innovation of a humankind must be, the innovation of his/her humanity.
Message of Chair
Prof. Dr. Özgül Keleş
Organization Board Chair
22nd International Metallurgy and Materials Congress
We are in a big dilemma. We challenge life, and we have to deal with the challenges we create. We designed artificial intelligence to make our lives easier, now we are questioning how this intelligence should be managed and how we will control it, and we are thinking about what to do in case we have created a monster for ourselves.
This year, in IMMC2024 our theme will be “Humanity vs. Artificial Intelligence (AI)”. In the congress, we will be exploring the AI for humanity and the role of metallurgical and materials engineering. We will challenge our minds to find paradigm in AI versus Humanity.
In this congress, researchers, professionals (from industry, policy makers, entrepreneurs, civil society members and governance), students, and world-renowned scientists, all come together in one platform and undertake a journey to participate in a massive exchange of scientific knowledge, to engage in networking with peers, colleagues, and people from different age groups, and make a major contribution and innovations to materials and metallurgical engineering society.
22nd International Metallurgy and Materials Congress will be held in Istanbul-Türkiye, September 19-21, 2024. The congress venue will be at the Istanbul Expo Center.
IMMC is the flagship congress is organized by UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers’ Training Center (METEM) in collaboration with the national academia. There are 16 symposiums will be held along with the young reseracher award ceremony. From ideas to knowledge will be shared with oral and poster presentations and in order to protect the intellectual property proceedings of IMMC2024 Congress will be published.